Stop Wasting Money on Ads! Get Expert PPC Management and immediately Launch Profitable PPC Campaigns that will Get you More Customers than you can possibly handle

We handle the complex setup, you get the new customers. No setup fees, limited-time budget doubling, and ultra-low management rates.


Trusted by 400+ Active clients

Struggling to make your online ads work?

Tired of slow agencies and hidden fees?

Get laser-focused PPC campaigns live in record time and watch your leads and sales skyrocket with our limited offer

  • Zero Setup Fees: Save $495 and launch your campaigns instantly.
  • Double Your Ad Spend: We’ll match your first month’s budget, up to $1500.
  • 48-Hour Launch: No more waiting, get immediate results.
  • Pay Less to Start: $17/month introductory management fee for the first 3 months
  • No long term commitments: Cancel any time you want

DIY Ads: The Path to Wasted Money and Lost Opportunities

Why 85% of businesses fail at paid advertising, and how to avoid their costly mistakes

Trying to save a few bucks by running your own PPC campaigns might seem smart. But the reality is, for most businesses, it’s a fast track to wasted ad spend, missed customers, and a serious risk to your bottom line. Most people know it’s difficult but still accept the risk (silly gamblers) – while others jump into this completely unprepared (ignorant fools). There’s no shame in being a gambler or being ignorant – but there’s a better, safer, more efficient way… So Why Doing PPC Yourself is a Recipe for Disaster?

  • The Harsh Reality: Most DIY PPC efforts fail. Studies show that over 85% of small businesses see little to no return on their self managed ad spend, while more than 50% actually lose money. You’re pouring your hard earned cash into a black hole! Every misconfigured keyword, every ineffective ad, every missed optimization is chipping away at your profitability. It’s financial quicksand. Can your business afford to keep sinking?


  • The Time Vampire: Effective PPC demands hours of research, analysis, and tweaking. Hours you simply don’t have as a business owner. Time away from actually running your business. Mastering paid ads isn’t a side hustle. It’s a full-time job requiring constant attention to detail. Every hour you spend trying to understand ad platforms is an hour you’re not building your business, serving customers, or finding new opportunities. You’re spreading yourself too thin and risking burnout.


  • The Knowledge Gap: Google Ads, Facebook Ads…these are complex beasts, ever-changing. Can you confidently navigate bidding strategies, negative keywords, or audience retargeting? If not, you’re bleeding money. Paid ads best practices change faster than you can blink. Without expert knowledge, you’re navigating a minefield of outdated tactics and costly pitfalls. Imagine running ads that no one clicks, wasting your budget on irrelevant audiences, or accidentally getting your account flagged. It’s a recipe for frustration and wasting marketing funds.


  • The Failure Factor: A staggering 85% of business owners who attempt their own PPC campaigns see little to no results. That’s money flushed down the drain. Worse than wasted money, poorly run campaigns can actively damage your business. It might hurt your online reputation or even put you at the brink of bankruptcy if mismanaged severely enough. Are you willing to gamble your livelihood?

Eventually, most people find out that DIY PPC isn't about saving money; it's about losing it. And potentially, losing it all.

But Google and Facebook have simplified ad campaigns that anyone can set up. Plus, they offer dedicated agents to help. Isn’t that enough?

While it’s true that these platforms want to make it easy to spend money, their primary goal is maximizing their revenue, not your ROI. Here’s why relying on them is a mistake:

  • Automated And Easy Doesn’t Mean Optimized: “Easy” campaigns often use broad targeting and basic settings. This might get some impressions, some clicks, but quality leads or sales? Unlikely. It’s like fishing with a giant net – you’ll catch a bunch of stuff you don’t want. And you’ll waste your money doing it. The main goal of these “easy” campaigns is to get you to spend your marketing budget as fast as possible.


  • Support Agents Have Their Agenda: Sure, agents will offer “advice.” But their priority is getting you to increase ad spend. They’re not invested in deeply understanding your business goals or ensuring every dollar gets maximum return.


  • The Long Game is Lost: These platforms lack the holistic approach an agency brings. They won’t analyze how your ads fit into your overall marketing strategy, website conversion, or customer journey. Those are the keys to sustainable growth.


The bottom line is that easy setups and agents are tempting, but they focus on spending more, getting ad impressions, not conversions or sales. Paid ad success needs a strategic partner focused on your wins, not the ad platform’s bottom line.

Ok, ok, but I know a guy who’s good at “online stuff”, he knows more than i do about Google and Facebook, why can’t i get him to run my ads?

Freelancers (and people who know a bit about ads) vs. Agencies: Why an Agency is Your Best Bet

  • Experience Isn’t Everything: Freelancers may have some skills, but agencies have battle-tested teams. Specialists in copywriting, design, analytics – that’s firepower your bottom line needs (and something that a freelancer can never have).


  • The Ghosting Factor: Freelancers, especially those with limited experience, can vanish unexpectedly. Project stalled, deadlines missed, and you’re left scrambling.


  • The Juggling Act: Freelancers often juggle numerous clients. If a bigger, better-paying project comes along, your campaigns might get sidelined or, worse, abandoned.


  • Spread Too Thin = Sloppy Work: Overloaded freelancers sacrifice quality for quantity. Expect rushed reports, infrequent communication, and a lack of the strategic thinking your business needs.


  • The Tool Advantage: Agencies invest thousands in cutting-edge PPC software. These tools generate insights and optimizations a lone freelancer simply can’t touch.


  • A Network of Protection: Ad platforms can be fickle. Agencies have well-established relationships with reps. Need an urgent issue resolved? That’s who you want in your corner.


This doesn’t mean all freelancers are bad. But the lack of accountability and structure is a risk many businesses can’t afford.

Agencies offer:

  • Team Approach: Multiple people handle different aspects of your campaign – no single point of failure.


  • Dedicated Account Managers: A clear point of contact means consistent communication and no delays.


  • Quality Control: Agencies have internal checks and balances to ensure all work meets their (and your) high standards.


So freelancers might be cheaper initially, but the potential for delays, disruptions, and subpar results can end up costing you dearly in the long run.

But agencies are too expensive…

WRONG! Our introductory offer crushes that myth. And consider this: how much are those wasted ad dollars and missed sales opportunities costing you?

DIY PPC is a gamble. Freelancers are a step up. An agency is the strategic powerhouse that turns your ad spend into a profit machine. The choice is yours – struggle or scale.

I don’t know, I’ve been burned by agencies before…

We hear that a lot, and it’s totally understandable. That’s why we’re offering this ZERO-RISK introductory offer. You get to experience our expertise and
commitment to results firsthand. There’s a minimal management fee and money back guarantee as well!

We’re also big on transparency – expect clear reporting and frequent communication so you’re always in the know.

Ok cool, i trust you, but I can’t afford to spend money on ads right now…

That’s a bit like saying “I don’t want to get more leads or sales right now“. Think of this as investing in accelerated growth. With our special offer, you get double your first month’s budget – and this significantly minimizes your initial risk and doubles your exposure. Plus, the agency expertise means those dollars work harder. And you don’t even need a huge budget to start with, just $5 per day is sometimes a decent amount to start with (recommended budget starts at $30 per day – but can increase depending on target audience).

Ok i’m ready to start, how much time will you need to get things started?

We believe getting your campaigns live fast is crucial to seize opportunities. Our streamlined process and dedicated team allow for this.

We only need 48 hrs to set up and launch your ad campaing, from the moment when we have all the details from you. If,
for some reason, we are unable to meet the 48-hour mark, we’ll give you an extra month of service for FREE.

My industry/audience is too complicated for an agency to understand.

We love a challenge! And since we worked with business in 180+ different industries, across 5 continents, it means we’re familiar with the nuances. But more importantly, we invest the time to truly understand your specific business goals and target audience.

Your management fee seems too low, what’s the catch?

We believe in delivering exceptional value upfront to build long-term partnerships. Our introductory offer is designed to showcase our expertise and give you a taste of the results we can achieve. We’re confident that once you see the value you get from our service, you’ll understand the true worth of our services. So after the first 3 months, if you decide to stick with us, the management fee will be $495/mo or 10% of the total ad spend.

Will i get any reports or details about my ad campaign?

Transparency is key. We provide customized reporting with the metrics that matter most to your business. This includes not just ad spend, but important metrics like leads, conversions, and cost-per-acquisition. Plus, we’ll schedule regular reviews to explain the data and translate it into actionable insights for your business.

What if the ads don’t generate the leads/sales I was hoping for?

While there are no guarantees in marketing, our focus is on data-driven results and a clear return on investment. We continually analyze and optimize campaigns to improve performance. If we’re not meeting your agreed-upon targets, we’ll work with you to adjust the strategy or explore alternative approaches – or provide you with a full refund. Your success is our success.

Ready to Supercharge Your Business Growth?

Claim Your Doubled Ad Budget + Introductory Fees Now!

We’ll turn your ads into a profit machine. No setup fees, unmatched expertise, and results in record time. This is your chance to scale your business without the DIY struggle. Why this is a no brainer?

  • $495 $0 Setup Fee
  • We Double Your First Month’s Ad Spend Up To $1500
  • 48-Hour Campaign Launch
  • Ultra-Low Intro Management Fee: $17/month
  • 100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Limited Time: Miss This Offer, Miss Out on $2473+ in Savings - Offer ends in

You missed the offer! I guess you're not interested in getting more leads and sales for your business. But if you change your mind and want to start growing your business, fill out the form below to get in touch and we might be able to put together another offer for you.

Secure your spot with a no-cost consultation and strategy session. Click the button below, fill in a simple form below to lock in this offer. Analysis is free, and there’s no payment needed upfront.

What people want to know

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, for a very limited time there is no setup fee ($495), you won’t have to pay anything, except the introductory service fee ($17/mo).

There is no minimum required monthly ad spend – you can start as low as $5/day, although we don’t recommend it as you won’t get too many clicks, leads or sales, the results / metrics will be inconclusive and it will take more time to optimize your ads for your goals.

For the first 3 months you won’t have to pay anything except the introductory service fee ($17/mo) and the ad budget itself (which will go to the ad networks). Starting with the 4th month, if you decide to continue working with us, there will be a 10% campaign management fee based on the total monthly spend. So if you spend $500 a month on ads, you’ll have to pay us a $50 management fee. If you spend $7500 a month, the management fee would be $750.

Absolutely NOT, no long term / lock in contracts required, you can cancel any time you want, without any prior notice or reason. All campaigns are managed month to month, with upfront payment.

We’re using all the major advertising networks out there : Google (search / display / Youtube), Bing, Meta (Facebook / Instagram), Twitter, Pinterest and a few other display networks. Based on your industry, location and audience, we will select the best network(s) for your goals.

48 hrs from the moment we have all the required details.

Most likely YES. Whether you want to promote your ecommerce shop selling to international clients or small local business, we can (and will) drive targeted traffic, leads and sales to your business. There are some small exceptions like gambling, drugs or anything illegal – but we may have some workarounds for them (except for the illegal stuff).

Absolutely. Advertising networks offer incentives / coupons / vouchers constantly and being a partner agency, we get better offers, which we pass on directly to our clients. That’s how we can double your first month’s ad spend and drive more visitors, leads and sales for your business.

We believe in 100% client satisfaction – so if for whatever reason you’re not happy with our service, we’ll give you your money back (whatever you spent with us during the last 3 months) – no questions asked.

Just fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you immediately with more details.